Danny Cooklin

Offers doula services in East Sussex
Contact details
(Please note that these details are the central EOL Doula UK contact details)
Danny Cropped

More about me

Danny is a practicing doula who has spent much of his career working as an audio engineer. After caring for a dying relative, Danny realised the value of the EOL Doula role and so embarked on the LWDW training. Danny volunteers at his local hospice, is involved in local engagement activities surrounding death and dying and has a particular interest in how we can support marginalised and vulnerable members of society through death. He has been the southeast regional lead for EOLD, was a member of the committee until 2023, and is key in creating and managing the EOLD infrastructure. He has assisted with the LWDW training and is a volunteer Independent Visitor for Brighton & Hove Children’s services.

Danny Cooklin

This doula is not available at the moment, please fill in our contact form here and we will assist you in whatever way we can.