Beverly Davies

Offers doula services in West Sussex
Contact details
(Please note that these details are the central EOL Doula UK contact details)
Bev Downie, End of Life Doula

More about me

I began training with Living Well Dying Well following my experience volunteering on the ward at the local hospice.  I realised that it is possible to have a good end of life and that it doesn’t have to be a scary, lonely or painful experience if you have the right people involved.  Becoming and End of Life Doula will enable me to help people experience a good death at home and to support family and friends so that the experience is one of calm.  By enabling people to support their loved ones at home rather than in the busy, clinical environment of a hospital allows everyone the time and space required to gain closure and comfort for the future.

Beverly Davies

This doula is not available at the moment, please fill in our contact form here and we will assist you in whatever way we can.