Penny Merrett

Offers doula services in South Yorkshire
Contact details
(Please note that these details are the central EOL Doula UK contact details)

More about me

I am trained End of Life Doula, after 20 years of working with bereaved individuals and families, most of that time through working in our local hospice.  I am passionate about individual choice and supporting people as they find their own way of doing things, and that includes dying.  I also believe in opening up conversations about dying and death, and so I facilitate local Death Cafés, and run workshops.

My work is informed by personal and professional experience; I am also a qualified and senior accredited counsellor working in the NHS, working with my clients in a person-centred way.  I live in Sheffield, so can support people throughout the city and nearby, and am mostly flexible in terms of day and time.


Penny Merrett

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